The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.

  • GetBouncesList

    This function will return a subscribers array populated with both, soft and hard bounced subscribers in the given sent campaign. Please remember that this function will only work for sent campaigns.
  • GetHardBouncesList

    This function will return a subscribers array populated with the hard bounced subscribers in the given sent campaign. Please remember that this function will only work for sent campaigns.
  • GetSoftBouncesList

    This function will return a subscribers array populated with the soft bounced subscribers in the given sent campaign. Please remember that this function will only work for sent campaigns.
  • GetSubscribersListsByCampaign

    This function will return subscribers' lists array populated with all subscribers' lists of the requesting campaign of the client.
  • GetUnsubscribesList

    This function will return a subscribers array populated with the unsubscribed persons in that sent campaign. Please remember that this function will only work for sent campaigns.
  • AddSubscribers

    Add a list of subscribers
  • GetCampaignsList

    This function will return a campaigns array populated with all sent campaigns of the requesting client.
  • GetLastSentCampaign

    This function will return the last campaign sent by the client.
  • GetSubscribersLists

    This function will return subscribers' lists array populated with all subscribers' lists of the requesting client.
  • TestApiConnection

    Test the connection with the API
  • AddField

    This function will add a new Custom Field associated to the requested user. Also it will return the status of the request as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Field successfully added; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 10 - Maximum number of requests exceeded
  • GetFields

    This function will return a list of Fields from the requested user
  • AddSubscriber

    This function will add a given subscriber into the corresponding list. Also it will return the status of the request as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Subscriber successfully added lo List; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 3 - Incorrect subscribersListID; 4 - Cannot add an unsubscribed person.; 10 - Maximum number of requests exceeded
  • AddSubscriberwithBasicandCustoms

    This function will add a given subscriber, including his basic and customs fields, into the corresponding list. Gender, Country and Birthday are OPTIONAL. Birthday format should be 'yyyy-mm-dd' . Also it will return the status of the request as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Subscriber added to the list; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 3 - Incorrect subscribersListID; 4 - Cannot add an unsubscribed person; 5 - Incorrect CustomField; 10 - Maximum number of requests exceeded.
  • AddSubscriberwithCustoms

    This function will add a given subscriber, including customs fields, into the corresponding list. Also it will return the status of the request as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Subscriber successfully added lo List; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 3 - Incorrect subscribersListID; 4 - Cannot add an unsubscribed person; 5 - Incorrect CustomField; 10 - Maximum number of requests exceeded.
  • AddSubscriberwithName

    This function will add a given subscriber, including his name, into the corresponding list. Gender, Country and Birthday are OPTIONAL. Birthday format should be 'yyyy-mm-dd' . Also it will return the status of the request as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Subscriber successfully added lo List; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 3 - Incorrect subscribersListID; 4 - Cannot add an unsubscribed person ; 10 - Maximum number of requests exceeded.
  • AddSubscriberwithNameandCustoms

    This function will add a given subscriber, including his name and customs fields, into the corresponding list. Also it will return the status of the request as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Subscriber added to the list; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 3 - Incorrect subscribersListID; 4 - Cannot add an unsubscribed person; 5 - Incorrect CustomField; 10 - Maximum number of requests exceeded.
  • GetSubscriberStatus

    This function will return the subscriber status on the received list as an byte type. The result meanings: 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 3 - Incorrect subscribersListID; 4 - Subscriber has never been subscribed to the list; 5 - Subscriber was unsubscribed from the list; 6 - Subscriber exist and is active on the list; 7 - Subscriber exist but is inactive on the list; 8 - Subscriber has a pending confirmation for the list; 9 - Subscriber does not exist.
  • RemoveSubscriber

    This function will remove an existing subscriber from the received list. The result will be returned as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Subscriber removed from the list; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request; 3 - Incorrect subscribersListID, 4 - The Subscriber doesn't belong to the subscribers List; 10 - Maximum number of requests exceeded.
  • Unsubscribe

    This function will remove an existing subscriber. The result will be returned as a byte type. The result meanings: 0 - Subscriber removed; 1 - Incorrect API Key; 2 - Error processing the request.; 5 - The subscriber is already unsubscribed; 7 - The subscriber doesn't exist. 10 - Maximum number requests exceeded.
  • GetSubscribersFromList

    This function will return subscribers belonging to a list given the idSubscribersList. These subscribers will be returned taking into account 'offset' and 'itemsCount' parameters and it will be sorted by Email. For example, the first time, the parameter 'offset' could be 0 and 'itemsCount' could be 100, it will return 100 elements starting from position 0. The 'dateFrom' parameter will be used for returning subscribers created from this date. 'dateFrom' parameter format: M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM